engineering services, semi-conductor materials of the AIIBVI group, production of thermoelectric materials and modules in cooling field (Peltier element), patent – legal activities Russian




Patent – Legal Activities

Patent-Legal Activities

The Company renders services to legal and physical entities in the preparation of  documents for the patent security and registration of objects of intellectual property.

Pertaining to inventions and useful models:

• undertakes preliminary evaluation of the possibility to render legal security of the claimed objects;

• prepares documents, needed to hand in claims for the issuance of the patent, including composing the description and formulation of the invention and the useful model;

• provides qualified office work for claims;

• represents the interests of the clients on the stage of consideration of the claim for issuance of the patent for the invention and useful model;

• represents the interests of the clients in event of disagreement with the passed resolution;

• effectuates the payment of the annual duties to remain patents valid for inventions and useful models.


Pertaining to industrial samples:

• carries out the preliminary evaluation of the possibility of granting legal security to the claimed industrial samples;

• prepares documents, needed to hand in claims for the issuance of the patent;

• represents the interests of the clients on the stage of consideration of the claim for issuance of the patent for the industrial sample;

• represents the interests of the clients in event of disagreement with the passed resolution;

• effectuates the payment of the annual duties to remain patents valid for industrial samples;


Pertaining to Trade Marks:

• renders advise on issues, pertaining to conceding legal security to trade marks, maintenance marks, names of places of origin of the commodities;

• renders preliminary evaluation of the possibility of registration of the claimed symbol;

• undertakes the search of novelty of the symbol claimed;

• undertakes composing and handing in, the claims for the registration of the trade mark , and also represents the interests of the declarant at all stages of consideration of the claim for registration of the trade mark;

• undertakes the preparation and submission to the Federal Service on intellectual property, patents and trade marks, documents for undertaking legally significant actions, dealing with the registration of the trade mark (registration of the license agreement for the use of the trade mark, registration of the agreement on the concession of the trade mark, prolongation of the validity of the trade mark, and other actions).


The Company works on:

• the preparation of license agreements for the use of licensed objects of intellectual property, agreements of commercial concessions, etc.;

• undertakes mediatory operations, acquiring advanced technologies and equipment abroad for the following selling them in the territory of Russia.

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